Wednesday, October 24, 2012

3. Pets.

These are my cats. 

Danny is a little bit fat, but he's very strong and fast. He's the best. He never misbehaves and he's always around me. He's striped and has green eyes.

 Charlie has beautiful blue eyes, everybody loves him, because he's very affectionate. He's always trying to make me pick him up, as if he were a baby. He usually goes out looking for new adventures, too, and sometimes I can't find him when it's time for dinner. I never let them out at night, because I don't want them to get into cat fights, and these usually happen at night.

Joker is white and grey. He's got a problem with his bones because he suffered an accident when he was a kitten, before we adopted him. Now, he's always following Charlie, he can't live without him, they behave like brothers.

Now, leave your comments; tell us about your pets, or the ones you used to have. I'm sorry you can't post pictures, but this way you'll have to make an effort and explain the best you can, so that we can imagine them.

Remember: if you do a really good job, your work may be included in the next issue of our school magazine.


  1. I dont have pets from Sol.

    1. Tip of the day: sign with your name on a separate line. Like this.



  2. I dont have pets from Sol.

  3. helo charlie is cute but i dont like cats i pefer dogs lol i know i did a mistake

    from ryans emenie (deklan)

  4. I love the pictures of your cats.

    ;p Elizabeth

  5. oops! I forgot to tell you about my pets!

    Kitty is a tuxedo black and white cat she is very fluffy and is my cat.

    Timmy is black and white and he has one eye .(

    Chester is black and white and likes to suck his tail!

    Felix is black and white and meows when you say hello!

    Leandro is orange and he is very friendly.

    Tiger is a siamese cat and he talks to me a lot ... he is very noisy!

    Enrique is a tabby cat and he loves his fluffy pillow because he is still a kitten!

    I also have two dogs, they are small terrier dogs and they are called Max and Maggie.

    I have a hamster called Lulu she lives in my bedroom.

    That is all ........ for now!


    1. I'm sorry that I didn't see your comment, that's why I didn't publish it right away. Usually, every time you write something I'll see it in a few minutes and publish it.

      Nice comment!



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